Demonstrations, Clashes with Repressive Forces in Tehran and Other Cities in the Fourth Week of the Uprising


Iran Protest-No. 39

People chanting in Lahijan: “This is not a protest, it is a revolution”

On the 22nd night of the uprising, Friday, October 7, there were protests and clashes with suppressive forces in Tehran and various other cities, including Karaj, Isfahan, Ahvaz, Izeh, Shiraz, Islamshahr, Gohardasht, and Lahijan.

The protesters were chanting “death to the dictator” from their windows and rooftops in Tehran-Pars and Karaj. The sound of gunfire could be heard in the Andisheh township of Tehran. In Shahin-Villa and Gohardasht of Karaj, youths protested against the suppressive forces and chanted “death to the dictator” and “shame on you! shame on you!” A plainclothes agent was severely beaten.

In Jolfa of Isfahan, Izeh, Shiban area, and Zaytoun street of Ahvaz, people protested and confronted repressive agents. In Lahijan, the youth chanted during the night demonstrations: “This does not a protest, it is a revolution”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

October 8, 2022

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