Demonstrations and skirmishes Tehran, Mashhad and Esfahan

June 2010 Uprising – 7

NCRI – In Tehran in Molla-Sadra Street people clashed with anti-riot forces and drove them back while chanting “Death Khamenei.” At the junction of Palestine and Enqelab streets hundreds of people chanting “Khamenei shame on you, let go of our country” clashed with Bassij paramilitary forces and plainclothes agents. The suppressive forces also attacked the young people who had gathered in Towhid Square which led to scuffles.

In Shohada Square of Mashhad, northeast Iran, people clashed with suppressive agents who attempted to arrest a woman and prevented them to arrest the woman. Young people in this incident chanted “Death to Khamenei” and “death to dictator.” Subsequently, a large number of agents attacked them with batons  and truncheons in order to intimidate them and disperse them. A number of people have been wounded in this brutal attack.

In Tabarsi Square of Mashhad, people took to the streets chanting “Death to the oppressors.” The security forces, realizing that the plainclothes agents were not going to be able to contain the crowd, went to their aid.

In Esfahan, people chanting "Death to dictator" started marching from Enqelab Square towards Darvazeh Dowlat. In Shiraz, protests began with students chanting, "Death to dictator.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 12, 2010

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