Demonstrations and clashes in Tehran continue after nightfall

March 1 Uprising- No. 8

NCRI – Protests continued at 8:30 p.m. in Tehran’s Haft Tir, Enghelab (Revolution), Imam Hossein and Azadi (Freedom) Squares and College Intersection. Suppressive forces attempted to disperse the crowds by using force.


Fierce clashes also erupted at 7 p.m. between demonstrators and suppressive forces in Jeihoon Avenue leading towards Azadi Square.
Around 6 p.m. at the intersection of Enghelab Avenue and Eskandari, the regime’s agents attacked and arrested a large number of youths singing an Iranian anthem. Those detained were loaded into a bus and transferred to an unknown location.

In the demonstration at North Amir Abad Avenue at least 5 protesters were arrested.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 1, 2011

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