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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestDemonstrations and Clashes Continue in Tehran Throughout the Night

Demonstrations and Clashes Continue in Tehran Throughout the Night


Iran Uprising -No. 20

Demonstrations and clashes across Tehran continued till late in the night. In order to confront the attacks by anti-riot mercenaries, the youth set fire to garbage bins at Enqelab Ave- Kargar. They also chanted, “Do not fear, do not fear, we are all together” and “Death to Dictator”. The people clashed with the guards and punished them.

At Vali-Asr square, the youth set fire to a police vehicle.

In the Ferdowsi Ave., the people are chanting “Seyyed Ali (Khamenei) shame on you, let go the country”, and clashed with the guards. In Qal’e Hassan Khan in Tehran the people started their uprising.

In Mashhad, the people are chanting “Seyyed Ali (Khamenei) shame on you, let go the country” and “We shall not leave Mashhad until we get it back”. Various suppressive forces are trying to disperse people at Mellat park and Emamat st. The regime’s mercenaries try to arrest whoever wants to take films.

In Ilam, the people attacked government buildings while chanting “Death to Khamenei”. In Shooshtar, brave youths attacked riot police vehicle and punished them.

In Rasht, the people chanted, “I shall kill whoever killed my brother.”

In Takestan, angry people attacked headquarters of repressive forces.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 31, 2017