Demonstrations and clashes continue after dark in Tehran

Université Charif de Téhéran, 12 juin 2010 June 2010 Uprising – 13

NCRI – Demonstrations and clashes continued in various parts of Tehran after night fall. At around 21:30 local time, large groups of people were chanting “Death to Khamenei” between Enqelab and Azadi squares. The suppressive forces tried to brake up the crowd by firing teargas and beating protesters. They covered their faces in fear of people’s angry reaction. The regime’s forces blocked the main cross roads and chased people on motorbikes.

At around 21:30, the suppressive forces attacked protesters near Mosadeq junction, Daneshjou Park and Enqelab Street and beat them brutally. They made several arrests.

At about 21:00, a large number of people went to the streets in Sadeqieh district despite heavy presence of State Security Forces (SSF) who were fully equipped with anti-riot gears.

At 22:00, SSF, plainclothes and other suppressive agents attacked protesters in Mellat Park, and Vanak and Molla-Sadra streets.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 12, 2010

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