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Demonstration and clashes in cities throughout Iran

Feb. 20 Uprising- No. 6

In Mahabad fierce clashes between protesters and IRGC forces

In Tehran, people in Mohseni Square are confronting Bassij militia by throwing stones and chanting “Down with Khamenei”.


Brave youths in Sadeghieh district clashed with the regime’s agents, chanting “Down with Khamenei” and “Allah Akbar”, and in Parkway, protesters chanted “Khamenei, it’s time to go”. Azarbaijan Ave. is the site of continuous hit-and-run fighting between brave uprising youth and the regime’s agents. In Vali-e Asr Square, Bassij militias on motorcycles, which rode into the crowds in an attempt to cause fear, were beaten by the protesting youths. Sounds of gunfire are heard from Vali-e Asr and Abass-Abad regions. Demonstrations and clashes are continuing around Azadi (Freedom), Fatemi and Imam Hossein Squares, Eskandari Ave. and Sai’i Park.

In the main square of Mahabad (western Iran), fierce fighting took place between protesters and Revolutionary Guards forces. The IRGC forces fired direct shots at the demonstrators, with the people responding by setting the IRGC forces’ truck ablaze.

In Esfahan, thousands of people in Esfahan’s Shiraz Gate since 6:00 pm have been chanting “Death to dictator”.

In the upper Chaharbaq area, State Security forces have been confiscating people’s mobile telephones and resetting its memory.
In Rasht, security forces have been assaulting and injuring people using chains and wires in an attempt to prevent them from joining the protesting youths.

In Kerman’s (eastern Iran) Azadi Square, Kosar Ave, Jomhori Boulevard, and in Zahedan’s (eastern Iran) University Ave. towards the Imam Ali Sq. protests and demonstrations have been ongoing.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 20, 2011