Defiant Youth Target Security Forces in Tehran, Khomeini’s So-Called Relief Committee, a Center of Plunder in Qom

SSF center,Tehran - Khomeini's Relief Committee, Qom- March 2020
SSF center, Tehran – Khomeini’s Relief Committee, Qom- March 2020

 Defiant youth in Tehran targeted a center of the suppressive forces in Tehran’s Sohrevardi Street on Saturday evening, March 28, 2020. This is while the regime’s security forces are on full alert to prevent the outbreak of any protest under the pretext of combating Coronavirus.

The same day, defiant youth also set fire to one of the main centers of plunder of people’s wealth, Khomeini’s so-called Relief Committee in the city of Qom.

Authorities have ignored repeated calls to allocate part of the massive assets of financial foundations and institutions controlled by Khamenei and the IRGC, including Khomeini’s so-called Relief Committee and the “Executive Headquarters of Khomeini’s Directive,” to fund efforts to counter Coronavirus and pay people’s living expenses so that they would not be compelled to go to work.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

March 29, 2020

SSF center ( Sohrvardi St branch) – Tehran- March 28, 2020
SSF center (Sohrvardi St branch) – Tehran- March 28, 2020
Khomeini’s Relief Committee in the city of Qom-Center for plundering public’s wealth- March 27, 2020



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