Day 34 of nationwide uprising: Memorial for Sohrab Arabi

Nationwide uprising in Iran – Statement 101

NCRI – On Wednesday evening, on day 34 of the nationwide uprising, residents of Tehran gathered outside the home of Sohrab Arabi and while offering their condolences to Sohrab’s mother and other relatives vented their anger and hatred at the criminal mullahs’ ruling Iran.

The protestors chanted “Our Sohrab is not dead, it is the government that has reached its end”, “I will kill those who killed my brother”, “Oh martyred brother, I will avenge your death”, “Death to the dictator”, and “Political prisoners must be freed”. They commemorated the life of Sohrab Arabi, 19, who was killed by suppressive forces.

In the meantime people continued chanting “God is great” from rooftops across Tehran in the evenings and keep up their protests against the regime into the second month of the uprising.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 16, 2009

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