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Cutting off Internet and Filtering Social Media to Prevent the Spread of Uprising and Release of Its News

 Iran Uprising – No.29

On the seventh day of the uprising, and a few days after Iranian regime, filtered many social networks, and cut off or severely restricted access to Internet in many areas, the IRGC commander Jafari said: “Failure to control over cyberspace, which is managed overseas, and the officials’ failure in controlling this space, aggravated the turmoil; but when cyberspace was controlled, we saw a decrease in sedition.” (Fars News Agency-affiliated to IRGC – Jan. 3).

On Sunday, December 31st, on the fourth day of the uprising, the state Mehr news agency quoted Ismail Jabbarzadeh, political deputy of the interior minister, as saying, “in recent days … some social networks in cyberspace have gone out of access,” adding, “When we are faced with disruptions in public order, we can remove cyber networks out of access as a control means and as a temporary approach.”

Today (Wednesday- Jan. 3), Azari Jahromi, Rouhani’s Minister of Communications and Information Technology, said after a cabinet meeting about the filtering of social networks and the time when these restrictions would be removed, “Blocking Telegram was discussed in the Security Council meeting and we decided that for the time being the activities of these networks should be stopped to prevent counter-revolutionaries from misusing them against the country’s peaceful conditions.”

“We urged the Telegram Director to filter these channels, that is, he should respect our people’s demand,” he reiterated, “the Security Council decided to temporarily stop this messenger.” This is while he has specified that cutting off these networks would inflict huge losses to the country’s economy and the people’s business. Ali Tavassoli, vice chairman of the Internet Commission of Tehran Computer Organization, acknowledged that Iran’s economy has suffered 500 billion toman loss due to the interruption of the Internet over the past few days.

The mullahs’ falling regime, in fear of the spread of the Iranian people nationwide uprising and releasing its news, has ignored all political, economic, and international considerations, and its highest officials have foolishly postponed removing interruption of Internet to the termination of uprising.

The Iranian Resistance, emphasizing that the interruption of Internet in Iran is an Internet piracy and communication terrorism and a flagrant breach of many international treaties and violations of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) standards, called on the Union to condemn the mullahs’ regime and to provide necessary requirements for the Iranian people to enjoy the Internet and social networks.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 3, 2017