Courageous protestors at Polytechnic and Arts universities in Tehran clash with suppressive forces

June 2010 Uprising – 17

12 demonstrators injured and a large number of people have been arrested

NCRI – At around 14:00 local time on Sunday, June 20, a group of students and people gathered in protest to the regime in front of the main gate of Arts University situated in Mossaddeq Street in Tehran and chanted “death to Khamenei,” “Khamenei shame on you, let go of our country” and “we are Iranians, we will not surrender.” They were referring to Ali Khamenei, the regime’s Supreme Leader.

The protestors clashed with the regime’s suppressive forces. At least two were injured as a result of the assault by suppressive forces. At 14:30, hundreds of courageous youths and people staged protests at Polytechnic University with chants of “death to dictator,” leading to clashes with the regime’s forces.

At 15:30 local time, hundreds of regime intelligence agents (protection office on campus) surrounded the area in front of the University of Tehran’s main gate and prevented people and students from entering the campus. At 16:00 local time, the Iranian regime’s intelligence agents attacked three young women at Ferdowsi Square, later arresting and transferring them to an unknown location using a Peugeot vehicle.
At about 15:00 local time at the Behesht-e Zahra Cemetery, at least 5 people were injured during clashes between people and suppressive forces.

At around noon, 150 demonstrators gathered under Tehran’s Hafez bridge and chanted “death to dictator” as State Security Forces (SSF) attacked the demonstration.

Fearing student protests and in order to prevent gatherings, the regime has closed metro stations in the vicinity of universities in Tehran since Sunday morning.

Streets and avenues around Kargar Shomali Street, where Neda Aqa Soltan was slain, were completely blocked off by intelligence and suppressive agents. The agents asked for identification cards from passersby and arrested a number of people. In the afternoon, anti-riot forces also joined other suppressive forces.

In the northeastern city of Mashhad, at around 14:00 local time at Shohada Square, hundreds of protestors staged a protest with chants of “death to Khamenei,” and “O Hojjat-e ibn al-Hassan, uproot injustice.” Suppressive forces brutally attacked and injured protestors. At least 5 of the demonstrators were wounded. At Tabarsi Street, close to 300 people chanted “death to Khamenei,” and were attacked by plainclothes agents and SSF forces.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 20, 2010

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