Clashes between people and repressive forces in various parts of Tehran, Karaj and Kermanshah

Brave young people in different parts of Tehran and other cities continue to celebrate the fire festival, turning it a scene for confronting the religious fascism ruling Iran and expressing outrage against it.

In Tehran, the youth in Gheytariyeh marched from the park area uphill toward Vashngah street, chanting slogans against the falling regime of Khamenei and “Get lost Bassiji”, screamed their outrage from clerical rule and its mercenaries. Security forces closed off all roads to Gheytariyeh to prevent people from going that way. Mercenaries attacked people and tear gassed them to try to disperse them and arrested two people. But the brave youth attacked the police and freed the two men who were arrested.

In Gheytariyeh and Gheozar clashes are continuing between the youth and the regime’s agents, who threw tear gas.

In Ekbatan the people chanted “Death to the dictator.” Mercenaries confronted people by throwing large amount of tear gas. People throw sound grenades from windows and rooftops of buildings on regime forces to make them flee.

In Azadi district, despite police threats to prevent the people from coming to the streets, people clashed with suppressive forces in the street leading to the Azadi Square.

In Majidieh, Nezamabad and Ariyashahr, scores of young people face to face with the regime’s leaders held a widely celebrated fire festival. A high number of them clashed with the regime’s mercenaries.

At 18:30 in Fardis district of Karaj, people and shopkeepers clashed with security forces who were trying to disperse them.

At 20:30 the youth in Vakil Abad area of Kermanshah clashed with police. Mercenaries arrested a number of youths.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 18, 2014

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