Chants of “We have not given our dead in the hopes of compromise or praising a murderous leader” in Vali-e Asr



Feb. 20 Uprising- No. 8  (For vedio click here)

NCRI – In According to eyewitness reports, Tehran put on a new face on February 20 ,with the city engulfed in flames, smoke, tear gas, pepper spray and gunfire being heard from avenues throughout the city. Fierce fighting has been reported in numerous areas including around the regime’s TV station and Amir-Abad area.

Protesters were protecting themselves by hurling stones and setting trash bins ablaze. In Vanak Square, ferocious clashes took place between the youth and anti-riot forces, continuing after tear gas,  was fired to the Mirdamad area and South Kazeroon Ave. Sounds of gunfire were heard frequently from this area up to Yousef Abad. In Vali-e Asr Square, protesters chanted: “We have not given our dead in the hopes of compromise or praising a murderous leader”.

In southern Tehran, people marching down Rah-Ahan Ave. from Val-e Asr, clashed with suppressive forces along the way.

In Sanandaj (western Iran), armed suppressive forces of the regime were carrying out patrols in the city. The Iranian regime, through staging a ridiculous carnival, attempted to hide its panic of the nationwide protests.

Members of the paramilitary Bassij, soldiers and plainclothes agents, through sounding musical instruments and drums, were attempting to intensify the atmosphere of fear in this city. In addition to Sanandaj and Mahabad, the city of Boukan was also in protests.
In Shiraz, in addition to violent clashes in the Mulla-Sadra Ave. and junction, security agents opened fire on demonstrators in Namazi Square.      

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 20, 2011

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