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Chants of “Khamenei should know he will be overthrown soon”

Feb. 20 Uprising- No. 7

as clashes continue in western Tehran

NCRI – Students of Sharif University of Technology clashed with security forces while chanting anti-government slogans.

In Takht Tavous Ave, demonstrators confronted State Security forces, who were firing teargas at them, through chants of “Death to dictator” and hurling of stones. The clash spread into the Yousef-Abad and Amir-Abad districts.

In Enqelab Square and Jamalzadeh Ave, clashes intensified at around 7:00 pm. People are chanting and State Security forces are attempting to take control of the district by resorting to barbaric suppression.

In Jamalzadeh, brave youths clashed with security forces while chanting “Khamenei should know he will be overthrown soon”.

The regime’s security forces transfer detainees to a location near the mullahs’ Revolutionary Court on Shariyati Ave. Many of the detainees have been taken to Kahrizak Prison by ambulances. 

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 20, 2011