Chants of ‘death to Khamenei’ and ‘down with principle of velayat-e faqih’ echo on Tehran rooftops

June 2010 Uprising – 3

NCRI – The courageous residents and youths of Tehran on Friday night carried out another nightly protest by taking to their rooftops and expressing their hatred towards the ruling clerical regime. Starting at 22:30 local time, chants of “God is great,” “down with velayat-e faqih [absolute clerical rule],” “[mullahs’ Supreme Leader Ali] Khamenei is a murderer, his rule is illegitimate,” “death to dictator,” “death to Khamenei,” and “Khamenei shame on you, let go of our country” resonated on rooftops in various parts of Tehran.

The nightly protests were especially noticeable in Sadeqieh (Aryashahr), Mirdamad, Fatemi Street and Vanak Square.

In the central city of Isfahan, residents also chanted anti-regime slogans as well as “God is great” at Shariati Street and Nazar Sharqi on the brink of the anniversary of the commencement of the nationwide uprisings.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 12, 2010

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