Centers of Basij, Suppression, Repression, Khamenei’s Images Torched in 10 Operations by Defiant Youths


In response to the martyrdom of Dr. Ebrahim Rigi, a 24-year-old Baluch physician who died under torture in custody in Zahedan on February 22, the defiant youths carried out 10 operations on February 27. The youths targeted Basij bases of the IRGC in Hamedan, Mashhad, Bushehr, Esfarayen, Semnan, Lavandevil in Gilan and a propaganda center in Manujan of Kerman by Molotov cocktails. They also torched the regime’s propaganda signs and banners and pictures of Khamenei in Karaj and Yazd while chanting slogans such as “Death to Khamenei, Hail to Rajavi”, “Death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or the leader (Ali Khamenei)” and “Death to the IRGC, death to the Basij and death to the dictator”.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

March 5, 2023

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