Azeri compatriot protests continue in different cities


Urmia students demonstrate with slogan “Khamenei shame on you”

On Wednesday, November 11, once again the Eastern and Western Azerbaijan, Zanjan and Ardabil provinces were scene of popular protests in reaction to Iranian regime’s heinous insult to the Azeri compatriots. These protest moves took place despite extensive arrests and heavy presence of suppressive forces that have been dispatched to these areas from different cities.

In Urmia, courageous youth took to the streets after the volleyball game in Al-Ghadir Sport Center and chanted “Viva Azerbaijan, may its enemies be blind”. They clashed with the suppressive forces, including the anti-riot units that fired into the air and used teargas to disperse the people. Clashes extended to the alleys around Khairin Square and Varzesh Street.

Students from Zanjan, Tabriz, Urmia, Maragheh and Ardabil universities staged protest gatherings were they expressed their ire and abhorrence towards the Iranian regime. Urmia university students expressed their loath for the ominous velayat-e faqih regime by chanting “Khamenei shame on you”. Protestors of Tabriz bazaar also continued their protest.

The Iranian regime has put in place an undeclared martial law in Tabriz and Urmia to prevent the spread of protest moves. The revolutionary guards, Basij force, and security forces have been placed on alert and have ramped up their patrols. In recent days, a large number of people in Tabriz, Urmia, Meshkinshahr, Ardabil, Parsabad-e Moghan, Jolfa, Malekan and a number of other cities have been arrested in raids to their homes or businesses and are detained on charge of “collusion against national security”. According to reports, the number of the arrestees reaches 150.

A revolutionary guard commander in Gilan stated that a number of protestors have been arrested adding: “The timely and planned measure against dissident networks and currents that are against the system and were poised to instigate unrest and insecurity in Azeri-speaking townships in Gilan Province, identifying them, and swiftly confronting their elements were among the characteristics of this operation.”

Ashtari, commander of the security forces that had been dispatched to Tabriz to suppress the popular protest, said that the protestors resorted to disruptive measures.
Mohammad Abedi, commander of Ahar, in a reaction to a call by the people for a demonstration on Thursday, November 12, threatened: “Any assembly without governorship permit is illegal and will be confronted.”

Regime’s deputy governor of Eastern Azerbaijan announced: We shall not allow insult to the sanctities. These movements show that their intention is not to defend the people. They are pursuing other objectives and their problem is with the system itself.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 12, 2015


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