Anti-regime demonstrations in various cities

Fire Festival – No. 5

NCRI – Iranian people in various cities turned Fire Festival festivity into a scene of protests expressing their abhorrence of the totality of Velayat-e faqih regime.

In the city of Shiraz, near Qazie Square, the youth chanted “Death to bloodthirsty Khamenei” and “Death to dictator”.

In Mashhad, in various sections of the city, people and the courageous youth resorted to protests by roaring “Death to Khamenei”. Around 7 pm, in Hashemi Street, suppressive forces savagely beat up the protesters who were chanting “Death to Khamenei” and “Death to dictator”. The youth stood up to the suppressive forces and made them flee. Eight people were arrested.
In the city of Sanandaj, a large crowd gathered in Salavat-abad district at Children’s Park and Gas Square chanting anti-regime slogans.

In the city of Rasht during the Fire Festival celebration in Motahhari and Golsa streets the youth staged protests chanting “Death to Khamenei”.

In the city of Isfahan, in Shahin-shahr, the attack of suppressive forces on the youth in Ferdousi Street led to severe clashes that spread to other sections of the city. In the clashes a large number of people were injured and some were arrested.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 15, 2011

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