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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestAnti-government protests in major cities across Iran on Friday

Anti-government protests in major cities across Iran on Friday

September 18, 2009 - TehranNationwide uprising – Statement 169

NCRI – Simultaneous with Friday’s anti-government protests in Tehran, people in major cities across Iran expressed their anger against the religious fascism ruling in the country.

In central city of Esfahan, residents staged protests in Chaharbaq and Enqelab streets. The State Security Forces (SSF) attacked the participants and arrested up to 50 people and wounded a number of others. Despite the attack the protests continued. The participants caught some plainclothes agents involved in suppression of the demonstration and handed them over to the SSF, but they were released immediately.

In Tabriz, the fourth largest city and the capital of East Azerbaijan Province, the regime’s repressive forces brutally attacked the anti-government protesters in Abresan Street and Mansour Intersection. During the attack, sounds of gunshots and burst of sonic grenades were heard from the area that was covered in thick smoke and tear gas.

In Qom, the anti-riot police and groups of the Revolutionary Guards brutally attacked chanting protesters who had gathered around the holy shrine of Hazrat Maasoumeh and arrested some of them in Safaeiyeh Street. In Zanbil Abad district the regime’s agents clashed with people tried to disperse them by firing bullets and tear gas.

In Mahshad, protesters who had filled the route between Shabakeh Ab and Imam Reza shrine were attacked by the regime’s agents wounding a number of them. Inside the shrine the plainclothes agents clashed with people and arrested many.

In Kermanshah, thousands of people marched from Shahrdary Square to Mosadegh Square chanting “Death to dictator” more than 10 people were arrested.

In Kerman, people marched from Daneshgah Square towards Bahonar University chanting “Hail to the martyrs, martyr is a sacrifice for Iran,” “Death to dictator” and “Allahu Akbar.” The attack by the regime’s agents left about 25 injured.

In Ahvaz, there was a huge demonstration from Naderi Bridge to Abadan Intersection and people were chanting “Hey people why are you not getting up, Iran has turned into another Palestine,” and “Allahu Akbar.” The districts of Kian Pars and Zeytoon were the scenes of the peoples’ protests against the clerical regime. A vehicle belonging to the regime’s agents was set on fire.

In Karaj, people marched from the city’s main square towards Taleghani Intersection. There were also clashes between the youths and paramilitary Bassij force.

Also in Rasht, Khoram Abad, and many other cities, people participated in anti government protests and were confronted with the regime’s agents resulting in arrests. The security agents confiscated mobile phones of protesters filming the scenes. 

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 18, 2009