Warning against the lives of political prisoners

NCRI – Since January 23, and a few hours before the execution of Jaafar Kazemi and Mohammad Ali Haj-Aqai, the clerical regime has transferred many political prisoners from various wards in Gohardasht prison to its Ward 4, sixty of whom have been transferred to room 12 of the ward.


Lack of adequate food, disrepair of sanitary services, lack of heating and hot water compelling the prisoners to take bath with cold water in winter, lack of minimum requisites for general health and sharp smell of sewage in the ward as well as the pains and sufferings of the prisoners has turned this dungeon into a gradual death camp.

Medical care is denied to the prisoners; they also live in darkness day and night because the ward has no light. The regime has also terminated family visitations since the transfer of prisoners to Ward 4. The merciless torturers have also transferred Mohsen Dokmechi, member of family of an Ashraf resident, the political prisoner who has just had a difficult surgery, to this ward. Due to his severe pains he is unable to walk.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 29, 2011

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