UN body condemns rights violations, growing number of executions and suppression in Iran

Third Committee of the UN General Assembly condemns serious violation of human rights in Iran, growing number of executions and suppression of demonstrators

Maryam Rajavi welcomes adoption of 56th resolution by various UN bodies condemning violations of human rights in Iran, calls on world community to reject mullahs’ regime

NCRI – The Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly adopted on Friday a strongly worded resolution condemning “Serious, ongoing and recurring human rights violations” in Iran including increasing number of executions, stoning, discrimination and brutal suppression against women and ethnic and religious minorities, violence and intimidation against demonstrators by government militia forces which has led to countless deaths and injuries, holding mass trials and taking forced confessions and use of torture and rape.

For many months prior to adoption of the resolution, the clerical regime tried in Tehran and in various capitals as well as Geneva and New York to prevent adoption of the resolution. To achieve its goal, it acted directly or through other violators of human rights and resorted to threats and bribery.

While welcoming the adoption of the resolution, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, described it as a display of consensus within the international community against religious fascism ruling Iran. She said that although this resolution only covers part of the regime's crimes, it confirms the fact that during last year and from the beginning of the uprising in June, human rights violations in Iran have taken more horrific dimensions.

She added that this resolution renders ties and dealings with this regime even more illegitimate, especially as millions of Iranians have risen up and demonstrated against the religious dictatorship.
The continuation and expansion of relations with the regime should be made conditional upon a total halt to all executions, torture and suppression, and complete improvement of the human rights situation in Iran. This regime is not worthy of being a member of the community of nations and must be shunned, she added.

Acquiring a nuclear arsenal, similar to brutal suppression at home, is a means for the regime to remain in power, she said. Therefore, neither negotiations, nor concessions will make it retreat from obtaining nuclear weapons.
Mrs. Rajavi stressed that it is time for the international community to impose comprehensive sanctions against the regime for its violations of human rights and ominous efforts to acquire nuclear weapons. Those who delay or prevent imposition of sanctions, she said, advertently or inadvertently, endanger regional and global peace and assist the regime in the massacre and repression of Iranian people.

The latest U.N. resolution expresses deep concern over the "ongoing and recurring human rights violations in the Islamic Republic of Iran" such as "torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, including flogging and amputations,” “the continuing high incidence and increase in the rate of executions…, including public executions and executions of juveniles,” “stoning,” “violent repression and sentencing of women…and continuing discrimination against women and girls,” “increasing discrimination and other human rights violations against persons belonging to religious, ethnic, linguistic or other minorities,” “ongoing, systemic and serious restrictions of freedom of peaceful assembly and association and freedom of opinion and expression, including those imposed on the media, Internet users and trade unions, and increasing harassment, …political opponents and human rights defenders…, including arrests and violent repression of labour leaders, …and students.”

With regards to the nationwide uprising of Iranian people, the resolution express concern about “harassment, intimidation and persecution, including by arbitrary arrest, detention or disappearance” of protesters from all walks of life, “use of violence and intimidation by Government-directed militias,” “resulting in numerous deaths and injuries,” “holding mass trials,” and “use of forced confessions and abuse of prisoners including, …rape and torture.”

While the resolution expresses deep concern about the prevention of visit by United Nations’ human rights experts to that country during the past four years, it calls upon the United Nations special rapporteurs, particularly Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions; Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression; Special Representative of the Secretary-General on the situation of human rights defenders; the Working groups on Arbitrary Detention and Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances to report “on the various human rights violations that have arisen since 12 June 2009.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 20, 2009

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