The Iranian Resistance condemns the blackmailing of German government institutions in Iran

Demands ending relations with mullahs’ regime

NCRI – As the meeting of EU Council of Ministers and an announcement on the new EU list of terrorist organizations approaches, the ruling fascism in Iran resorts to various levers, especially blackmail through hostage-taking threats, in a bid to coerce European countries into violating the rulings of Europe’s highest judicial authorities by maintaining the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) on the blacklist.

On January 22, the Iranian regime, through its commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari, attempted to threaten the German government with a repeat of the U.S. embassy take-over in Tehran in 1979 in order to compel Germany to bow to its demands.

On January 21, the German daily Kolner Stadt-Anzeiger wrote in this regard, “The Iranian regime has levied very serious allegations against German education facilities, foundations, media, and embassy in Tehran, accusing them of carrying out spying activities. Iran’s military commander has threatened Germany with a potential take-over of its embassy.”

The Iranian Resistance condemns the mullahs’ threats and blackmail regarding hostage-taking of German foundations, and invites Germany to adopt a firm stance vis-à-vis the ruling mullahs and to prevent the religious fascism to take European countries hostage and turn them into tools used for the attainment of its fundamentalist and terrorist objectives.

During the past seven years, the erroneous and failed policy of appeasement has not only served as the major roadblock on the path of democratic change in Iran, but it has also acted as the main factor in intensifying suppression inside Iran and the emboldening of this regime to export fundamentalism and terrorism and pursue nuclear weapons. The price of this policy has been paid by the lives and financial assets of millions of Iranians who live under the mullah regime’s suppression.

It is time for the international community to stop the dictatorship in Iran, which acts as the most active sponsor of international terrorism, through the adoption of a completely firm policy as well as implementation of comprehensive sanctions against it.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 22, 2008

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