The Iranian resistance calls to save more than 1000 prisoners facing execution in Gohardasht prison

A death panel in Gohardasht prison is provisioning for faster execution of death sentences

The Iranian resistance warns against the intention of the Iranian regime to execute more than 1000 prisoners in Gohardasht prison and calls upon the United Nations Security Council for urgent and binding action to prevent the massacre of these prisoners and dispatching a fact finding mission by this Council to investigate the situation of Iranian prisons and prisoners, and inhuman sentences against them.
Over the past few weeks a death panel consisting of head torturers of the clerical regime’s Judiciary headed by NajafAbadi, a deputy prosecutor of Tehran, has been stationed in Karaj Gohardasht prison, forcing those on death row to fill out forms about the reasons for delay in carrying out their sentences. So far the forms for 750 prisoners have been filled out.

Since the beginning of last week, the death panel has meanwhile subpoenaed private plaintiffs of these prisoners to the prison and has pressed them to request an acceleration of carrying out death sentences. Should the plaintiffs refuse to accept this demand, they are required to pay a hefty price to the regime’s organization of prisons as prisoner’s maintenance fee. The executioners have even asked for the price of execution rope to be paid by private plaintiffs.

Leaders of the mullahs’ inhuman regime are preparing for more executions in order to intensify the climate of intimidation and to prevent protest movements. By doing so they try to confront what they describe as “sharp historical turn”, “regeneration of 2009 uprising”, “war like situation” and “dangerous era”.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 6, 2012

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