Suppression and pressures increase in universities across Iran

Sharif University entranceNationwide uprising – Statement 184

NCRI – Fearful of mounting student protests, the Iranian regime has intensified its suppressive tactics in universities, resorting to arrests, summoning of students and imposition of other kinds of pressures.

At the Sharif University of Technology, at least 6 students have been summoned to the so-called disciplinary committee while 4 others have been suspended for a term and banned from entering campus. The students have been charged with participating in a protest gathering against Kamran Daneshjou, Minister of Sciences in Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s cabinet.

Female members of the paramilitary Bassij Force also patrol the university campus in groups of three, interrogate female students by harassing them because of the way they dress and press for compliance with the clerical regime’s self-made rules. The Iranian regime’s agents put protesting students under duress by transferring them to the Protection Office, which essentially represents the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) on campus.

At the University of Science and Industry, students have posted a large petition demanding the release of their detained classmates, as well as the lifting of entry bans on students and an end to other sorts of limitations imposed against them.

On Monday, October 19, at the Open University of Tehran (central branch), two students were summoned to the clerical regime’s “Revolutionary Court.” 15 others were banned from entering the university. Students at this university have staged three separate anti-regime protests in as many weeks since the start of the new school year, and have called for more protest on Tuesday, leading the regime to pursue further arrests.

At the University of Economics and Treasury in Tehran, 15 students were suspended for one to two terms.

50 students from the University of Ghazvin were expelled from the dormitory, while 10 others were summoned to the city’s MOIS office.  Close to 100 students were sent to the suppressive disciplinary committee, 50 of whom were expelled.

At the University of Orumieh’s male technical college, the Iranian regime’s agents have installed panoramic cameras at the campus to monitor student activity. Despite these efforts, students continue to write anti-regime graffiti on campus walls.

Moreover, Bassij forces at the universities of Kurdistan, Lorestan, Razi in Kermanshah and Bou Ali Sina in Hamedan, have intensified pressures against the students in a bid to instill greater terror and fear in campuses.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 20, 2009

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