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HomeStatementsStatements: Human RightsSuspicious death of Afshin Osanlu, a political prisoner and labor activist

Suspicious death of Afshin Osanlu, a political prisoner and labor activist

NCRI – Afshin Osanlu, 42, a political prisoner in Gohardasht prison in Karaj, a labor activist, and father of two children, passed away suddenly and suspiciously. His death came about when he was to be released in few months.

The mullahs’ regime did not inform his parents of his demise, and Sohrab Solaimani, director general of Tehran Province prisons, claimed falsely two days after his death that Mr. Osanlu had passed away due to heart attack in Gohardasht hospital (ISNA state run news agency- June 22). But according to the hospital officials, he had passed away before being transferred to the hospital. His cellmates in Gohardasht prison and his relatives who had visited him few days earlier rejected his heart illness and informed of his good spirit despite very had conditions in prison.

Afshin Osanlu was arrested in November 2009 and went under most severe tortures in ward 209 of Evin prison for four months. He suffered rupture at his foot sole and emergence of a tumor on his shoulder due to being flogged by cable repeatedly.

Finally he was sentenced to five years of imprisonment in ward 350 of Evin prison on the charge of “holding gatherings and conspiracy against country’s security”. Last year he was summoned to Hall 12- Ward 4 of Gohardasht prison where is called the ‘killing field of political prisoners’ and prisoners face gradual death. Despite horrible conditions in this torture center, Afshin Osanlu was resolute on his positions to defend the workers’ rights.

Doing away with prisoners under the guise of heart attack or suicide, and killing them by poisonous drugs is a known method of mullahs’ regime.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 28, 2013