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HomeStatementsStatements: Human RightsStudents in Tehran protest against the arrests in Polytechnic and Allameh Universities

Students in Tehran protest against the arrests in Polytechnic and Allameh Universities

Iran: Two labor activists sentenced to serve time by the mullahs' judiciaryNCRI – This morning, the students of the College of Management of Tehran University held a rally against the arrest of a number of students in Polytechnic and Allameh Universities.

Students in this gathering emphasized that they will continue the protest until the release of their classmates despite the threats made by the State Security Forces.

The students demanded the release of their detained classmates and the removal of all restrictions and suppressive measures imposed on them. The students were chanting, “Death to dictator,” “While our classmates are in prison, we will not attend lectures,”  “Close down the university that is turned into a garrison” and “Jailed students must be released”.
On November 2, students of Ghazvin and Shiraz Universities staged protests in solidarity with the detained students.
In the past few months, student protests have been going on in Iran. In addition to arrest of students from Polytechnic and Allameh Universities of Tehran, at least seven others from Ahwaz University were arrested in recent days for taking part in anti-government protests. No information on their where-about is available.
Five of these students, Ruzbeh Rahimi, Javad Alikhani, Mehdi Masoumi, Raee Nikzad and Javad Tavaloli were arrested on Monday, October 22.
The other two students by the names of Mohahammad Reza Jafari and Siamak Momeni were arrested and detained a few days ago.
The Iranian Resistance calls upon all human rights organizations, competent international bodies and current session of the United Nations General Assembly to condemn the suppressive policies of the clerical regime in Iran and to take immediate actions to free the detained students.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 4, 2007