Six hangings, three death verdicts in two days

Iranian Resistance urges UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to voice protest over barbaric executions

In order to step up repression, terror and intimidation, the clerical regime hanged six people in Tehran and Hamedan (western Iran) today and yesterday. Two others in Tehran and another in Karaj (west of Tehran) were sentenced to death.

The state-controlled daily Etemad reported that three persons, Hamidreza, Nosratollah and Reza, were hanged yesterday in Hamedan on the charge of drug trafficking. In the past few years, many political prisoners have been executed as drug traffickers. Sharq daily wrote that three men, Amir-Reza, Mehdi and Akbar, were hanged this morning in Tehran on the charge of murder.

Etemad also reported that two men had been sentenced to death for murder. According to Khorassan daily, Tehran’s 71st criminal branch sentenced a man to death.

These bring the number of those hanged or sentenced to death to 17 and six respectively since the election of Revolutionary Guardsman-terrorist Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Three of the victims, hanged in Tehran, Hamedan, Mashad (northeast), Isfahan (central), Salmas and Ardebil (northwest), Bandar Abbas (south) and Pol-e Dokhtar (west), were under the age of 18 when executed or when charged with the offence.

The National Council of Resistance of Iran calls on the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mrs. Louise Arbour, and all international human rights organizations to voice protest against these barbaric crimes and undertake urgent and serious action to stop these executions.

The international community’s silence and inaction, including the European Union’s failure to submit a censure resolution to the UN Human Rights Commission in the framework of appeasing the criminal mullahs, and the lack of a special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran, have only emboldened the mullahs to continue and step up their crimes and medieval executions in Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 10, 2005

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