Sahand University students begin indefinite sit-in against official crackdown

NCRI – The sit-in by Sahand Technological University students in northwestern city of Tabriz against the regime’s suppressive polices and disregard for students problems and difficulties that began on May 9 continues.

The students are calling for the expulsion of agents of the paramilitary Bassij and the Ministry of Intelligence, including Babalou, who has been cracking down on the students in his position as the director of student affairs. They are also protesting against the dreadful condition of women’s dormitories as well as the segregation in instructional and cultural settings on campus.

The students have pledged to continue their sit-in until their demands are met.

On May 3rd and 4th, agents of the paramilitary Bassij attacked a cultural festival at the University and closed it down, while severely beating up the students.

The Iranian resistance expresses solidarity with the students and urges students in other universities to support and join the sit-in by Sahand University students.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 12, 2006

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