Resolution by the UN General Assembly denouncing Rights’ violations in Iran

Following resolution by the UN General Assembly denouncing Rights’ violations in Iran

Maryam Rajavi calls for referring Iranian regime’s case to the
UN Security Council and Khamenei’s case to the International Court of Justice

NCRI – Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, president-elect of the Iranian Resistance, welcomed the adoption of a resolution by the United Nations’ General Assembly condemning the religious dictatorship ruling Iran.   Felicitating the Iranian people, she further affirmed:  58 resolutions condemning anti-human crimes committed by the religious dictatorship and today’s vote in the highest world reference, the UN General Assembly, confirm in strongest terms the world community’s approval of the resistance by the Iranian people in the face of the religious fascism in order to achieve liberty and popular sovereignty.  This international judgment at the same time refuses and condemns all sorts of appeasement and help to prolong this anti-human regime.

Mrs. Rajavi added:  Although the resolution mentions but a small part of the agonies and the long suffering of the Iranian people under the most savage and bloody dictatorship in today’s world, at the same time it shows clearly that the clerical rule, by its systematic violation of the most primitive principles of Human Rights, arbitrary executions and medieval punishments as well as religious, ethnical and gender discrimination and by its negligence towards all international conventions, has nothing to do with Human Rights and the contemporary human society.

The president-elect of the Resistance confirmed:  With such a regime, it is necessary that all countries especially the big powers and permanent members of the Security Council definitely abandon the policy of appeasement and coexistence with this anti-human regime and take place beside the Iranian people and the Iranian Resistance for freedom.
Mrs. Rajavi called the international community to refer the case of Human Rights’ violation by the religious dictatorship to the International Court of Justice through the Security Council.  The Iranian people want an arrest warrant against Khamenei, so that he would be referred to court on charges of crime against humanity.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 19, 2011

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