Report on human rights violations in Iran and Rouhani’s confrontation with UN

A henchman in Iran
NCRI – Following the recent report by UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in Iran that reveals a small portion of the atrocities by the religious fascism ruling Iran, Rouhani’s faction set aside all slogans of “moderation” and “conciliation” and sharply attacked the UN Human Rights Council. Hass Rouhani’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson regards “designation of Special Rapporteur on human rights as an insult to the great Iranian nation (meaning religious fascism ruling Iran) and refuses to recognize it… reason for this designation has been absolutely political and a consequence of a selective process by a few special countries within the Human Rights Council. Hence, the report produced describes situation of human rights in Iran with political impetus and in a completely unjust manner”.

It is common knowledge that while countries with worst human rights records in the Human Rights Council did their utmost to prevent designation of a Special Rapporteur for Iran, but the dimension of mullahs’ regime atrocities was such that regime’s essays and that of other violators of human rights got nowhere.

Regime’s Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson vulgarly stated: “Terrorist and violent groups whose hands are stained with the blood of the innocent people were usually sources for this report; therefore this report lacks credibility and legal ground.” This is while despite repeated requests by global community, the clerical regime has consistently refused Mr. Ahmed Shaheed and other UN human rights Rapporteurs entry to Iran.

Latest report by Mr. Ahmed Shaheed to UN General Assembly Third Committee published on October 23, emphasizes that between January 2012 and June 2013, 724 prisoners were executed in Iran. Report adds that the situation of human rights in Iran remains a source of concern with no sign of improvement. It explicitly refers to wave of executions, gender discrimination, and consistent violation of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of Iranian people where many political and civil rights of Iranian people are breached by regime’s official laws.

Continuation and escalation of executions and anti-human punishments partly referred to in the UN report, much like the approach of Foreign Ministry of the religious fascism ruling Iran vis-à-vis the Rapporteur and his report, once again demonstrates that suppression, torture and execution are common traits of all regime’s factions and an imperative for its survival leaving referral of regime’s criminal file to UN Security Council and trial and punishment of its leaders for crime against humanity as the sole resort. As long as mullahs are in power, barbaric transgression of human rights shall continue in Iran. Propaganda efforts to portray moderation by the religious fascism in power, pursues no objective but to deceive the global community or justify deals and appeasement of this medieval regime.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 25, 2013


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