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Recorded voice of IRGC Commander ordering brutal crackdown of demonstrators revealed by PMOI

Security police beating up people on streets of TehranNCRI – Social Headquarters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) inside the country revealed  parts of  the radio conversation of Revolutionary Guard Ahmadreza Radan, Deputy Commander of the State Security Forces (SSF), recorded during the brutal and bloody suppression of the June 20 uprising.

The tape which has been made available to the international human rights organizations includes the orders given by Radan for suppression and murder of demonstrators.

His voice can be heard over the radio saying, “One broken leg is one good deed,” “beat these foreign agents and crush them well in Vali Asr-Enqelab [Square] areas and push them towards north where our Basiji brothers are waiting to receive them.”

In response to a report given to him he reacted by saying, “Quick, quick, beat and smash them, send them to Kahrizak (in reference to brutal treatments in notorious Kahrizak prison), I will take care of everything later” and then he continued “Listen, there are some 7, 8 or 10 old women, just beat them up too… Quickly clear everything and bring things under your control …”

The person talking to Radan on this radio conversation is IRGC Colonel Khanjaly who is the Operation Commander SSF of Greater Tehran and a member of Tehran’s Security Reinforcement Council known as Ta’amin Council.

Radan is one of the most wicked commanders of the mullahs’ regime and because of his suppressive record in commanding security forces in Sistan va Baluchistan and Khorasan provinces and planning and executing a scheme known as “Social Security” was quickly promoted to higher posts within the clerical regime. He was also commander in charge of Kahrizak prison.

He personally participates in torture and murder of prisoners. He tortured to death dozens of young people who had been arrested as “Thugs and hooligans.” During uprisings in the past few months many more young people and students held in detention have been killed under the most barbaric tortures by him. According to an imprisoned physician, he openly told prisoners: “Forget about Auschwitz, Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. Here is the first in the world. Your end and grave is here.”

Ali Khamenei, the clerical regime’s Supreme Leader, was compelled to order the closure of Kahrizak prison following revelations about horrendous tortures in that prison. However, other horrific prisons and medieval torture chambers are still in operation in various parts of the country including that of Khorin in Varamin, south of Tehran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 17, 2009