Protesting university students challenged Ahmadinejad with “down with dictator” slogans

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi: Suppressive measures reveal the fears of a faltering regime from university students seeking its overthrow

NCRI – This morning, in protest to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s scheduled speech in Tehran University, student activists chanting "down with dictator," marched to the building where he was giving his speaking. 

The students grow in numbers chanted, "Ahmadinejad, source of discrimination and corruption," "Ahmadinejad is Pinochet! Iran will not become Chile, "Guns, tanks, [paramilitary] Bassij, is no longer effective," "Shame on you! Leave the university," "Detained students should be released at once," "We condemn torturing of students," "We resist the rule of force," "We do not want mercenary police," "Students prefer to die over submission."

The protest took place despite suppressive measures that were carried out by the clerical regime, in and around the university area, since the previous night.  
Even Tehran University students were barred from entering the university campus. The suppressive forces fired tear gas inside the university in vain to prevent the demonstration to take place.
The State Security Forces (SSF) and members of its Special Units as well as agents of the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) patrolled the Enghelab Ave and streets surrounding the university. In addition motorcycle riders belonging to the security forces took controlled of the streets around the university and its dormitory.  Scores of patrolling vans of "Guidance Patrol" were stationed outside the university to transfer the arrested students.
Members of paramilitary Bassij who tried to hold a demonstration in favor of Ahmadinejad inside the university faced anger, and hatred of the protesting students who chanted "Shame on Bassij! Leave the university."
President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi praised the courageous students who are determined to uproot the rule of Velayat-faqih (the absolute rule of religious leader), and its suppression, plunder, and export of fundamentalism. She urged the youths, women, and other freedom seeking Iranians to increase their protests against the clerical regime.
Mrs. Rajavi added that the Tehran University students foiled the clerical regime’s plot to cover up the fiasco of the trip of Ahmadinejad to New York and his speech in Columbia University.  Presence of a large number of Guards, Bassij and agents of the MOIS in the area of the university and formation of a defense line by the SSF in front of the main entrance of the Tehran University, only reveals the fear of the faltering regime, in particular the youths seeking to overthrow the clerical regime.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 8, 2007

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