Political Prisoner Died After Years of Deprivation of Medical Services


On Thursday, October 5, 2017, Mohammad Jarahi, a noble worker, who had spent more than five years in the prison of Iranian regime for restoring the rights of workers, died in hospital.

Mohammad Jarahi was arrested on June 8, 2011, along with Shahrokh Zamani, on charges of “propaganda against the regime” and “assembly and conspiracy against national security” in Tabriz and was sentenced to five years discretionary imprisonment.

The regime’s henchmen deprived him from medical furlough despite his suffering from cancer. Constant denial of access to medical services, in addition to the inhumane conditions in the prisons of the mullahs’ regime, led to the rapid progression of the cancerous gland and resulted in his death one year after his release from prison.

The agents of the mullahs’ infamous Ministry of the Intelligence, had arrested Mohammad Jarrahi twice in 2007 and 2008, and continuously harassed him and his family.

The ruling religious fascism is responsible for torturing to death this noble worker, as before, many political prisoners like Shahrokh Zamani, imprisoned worker, have been murdered suspiciously in prisons or have been killed by the clerical regime due to deprivation of medical services.

While expressing condolences to the workers, especially the workers of Azerbaijan and the family of Mohammad Jarhay, the Iranian resistance, calls on all International Human Rights organizations and Labors Rights Defenders to take immediate action to save the lives of political prisoners and condemn the anti-labor policies of the clerical regime.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 6, 2017

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