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HomeStatementsStatements: Human RightsNew stoning to death in Iran

New stoning to death in Iran

NCRI – According to the state-run daily Rooz, “In May 2006, two people identified as Mahboubeh M. and Abbass H. were stoned to death in the northern city of Mashhad.”

The daily added, “Mahboubeh and Abbass were treated as if they were dead already. According to Islamic rituals, they were cleaned and wrapped in shrouds by the undertaker. Being a female, Mahboubeh was buried alive up to her shoulders, and Abbass was buried in the ground up to his waist. Then, they were stoned to death gradually by the volunteers who had come for the stoning. Media news reports only said that they were executed.”

Rooz added that 9 women identified as Parisa A. (Adel-Abad Prison in the southern city of Shirz), Kobra N. (Tabriz Prison in the northern city of Tabiz), Khireh V., and Iran A. (Sepidar Prison in the southern city of Ahwaz), Malek (a.k.a Shamameh) Ghorbani (Orumeh Prison in the northern city of Orumieh), Hajieh Esmail-Vand (Jolfa Prison in northern Iran), Soqra Molaii ( Varamin Prison in south Tehran), Ashraf Kalhori (Evin Prison in Tehran), Fatemeh (in a prison in Tehran Province) and Zahra Rezaii (Rajaii-Shahr Prison in Karaj, west Tehran) and two men identified as Abdullah Farivar (Sari Prison in northern city of Sari) and Najaf A. (Adel-Abad Prison in the southern city of Shirz) are also awaiting their death sentences by stoning to be carried out. 

The Iranian Resistance calls on all international human rights organizations in particular women rights’ groups to condemn the gruesome acts by the mullahs’ regime and calls on the United Nations to take necessary measures against the regime by referring its human rights dossier to the UN Security Council.          
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 2, 2006