Nasser Kheyrollahi, a political prisoner, hanged alongside five other prisoners in Evin

NCRI – On July 1, in the third week of the Iranian people’s nationwide uprising, the mullahs’ inhuman regime hanged Mr. Nasser Kheyrollahi, a political prisoner, in Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison in a hideous act to spread fear.

Mr. Kheyrollahi, 49, was arrested in 2003, and was physically and psychologically tortured during his six years of incarceration in various prisons in Esfahan, Evin and Gohardasht Prison. He was previously sentenced to 18 years imprisonment; however, earlier this year he was re-sentenced to death.

He was transferred on June 30 from Ward 4 of Gohardasht Prison to Evin, and the next day he was hanged alongside five other prisoners. The Iranian Resistance has repeatedly announced that the religious fascism ruling Iran executes political prisoners under the guise of ordinary criminals.

According to eye-witness accounts, Mr. Kheyrollahi had high morale even in his last moments and chanted “Death to Khamenei”.

The mullahs’ henchmen had a deep hatred for Mr. Kheyrollahi who had lost relatives in the Iran-Iraq war and upon learning of the mullahs’ crimes had refrained from cooperating with them and instead exposed their true nature.  They used all sorts of torture techniques in order to break his resistance. However, he refused to cooperate with them, and he took part in various protests and hunger strikes alongside other political prisoners.

The Iranian Resistance consoles the family of Mr. Kheyrollahi, and it once again draws the attention of international human rights organizations to the mullahs’ evil decision to execute political prisoners including those who have been arrested in the course of the Iranian people’s nationwide uprising. It urges the UN Security Council to adopt urgent and binding measures on this matter.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 7, 2009

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