Mullahs’ suppressive measures against striking workers in various cities in Iran

NCRI – In past few days, demonstrations and sit-ins by deprived workers in various government branches and workshops over their unpaid salaries took place in Tehran as well as other cities including Ahwaz, Sosangard, Isfahan, Yazd, Tabriz, Rasht, Chalous, Kerman-shah, and Tabas, according to government-run media. 

The municipal workers went on strike over their two months’ salary not paid by the government in Tehran’s Eleventh City District. Many workers have been laid off in the northern city of Tabriz. Workers in Porsan Factory have not been paid for thirty eight months in the northern city of Rasht. In Chalous, north of the country, the workers in Seyah-Pashmenh Factory have not been paid since August 23, 2006. The government contractor has refused to pay the workers their salary in the southwestern city of Sosangard’s Mine since November 2005. Many Postal workers have been laid off since they protested to their monthly salary of only 60 dollars in western city of Kerman-Shah.

After Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s ascendancy’s to power, workers have been   barbarically suppressed by the regime in Iran. In fear of workers unrest, the regime has adopted new suppressive measure against them in various cities all over the country.  

The Iranian Resistance calls on all international labor unions to condemn the anti-labor laws adopted against workers by the regime and support them in Iran.  

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 5, 2007

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