Thursday, July 18, 2024
HomeStatementsStatements: Human RightsMullahs' regime tortured a supporter of the PMOI in prison

Mullahs’ regime tortured a supporter of the PMOI in prison

NCRI – Amid continued suppression and street hangings, the mullahs’ regime has increased physical pressure on political prisoners. To this end, many political prisoners have been transferred to solitary confinement or to common criminals sections.

In May, Mr. Mansour Radpour, a political prisoner, on charges of supporting the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) was brutally tortured for several weeks and then transferred to a common criminal ward in the notorious Gohardasht Prison. Mr. Radpour was in poor heath condition since some of his ribs and teeth were broken by the regime.

He was sentenced to a three year imprisonment in a summary trial without having access to his family.
In past few weeks, this inhuman regime has sent several political prisoners to the gallows under the pretext of common criminals. On July 23, regime executed twelve prisoners in Tehran alone. Amongst them at lest two political prisoners identified as Messrs Fazel Ramezani and Haj-Morad Mohammadi were charged with assaulting Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) members. 

The Iranian Resistance calls on the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and all other human rights organizations to condemn the suppressive measures  against prisoners by the Iranian regime, in particular the political prisoners, and calls for designation of an international fact finding mission to investigate the conditions of Iranian prisons.  

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 28, 2007