Mullahs’ regime is the source of moral and financial corruption in Iran


Khamenei and other regime’s leaders who are the main corruptors and thieves in Iran’s history should be brought to justice

Revelation of one of the dossiers of moral corruption in Khamenei’s Office and his inner circle, and closure of this dossier on Khamenei’s order has turned into a new scandal for the totally corrupt regime of criminal mullahs.
In the corrupt dictatorship of mullahs, praisers like Saeed Toussi who receive their orders directly from Khamenei’s office are free to commit any crime with full impunity. In a distributed audio clip Saeed Toussi says, “His majesty (Khamenei) told Larijani to terminate the dossier.” He added, “One can easily get rid of the guy.” He also threatened, “If they try me, I’ll take 100 people down with me.”

The dossier of this filthy element has been terminated under the ridiculous claim of “lack of evidence” while since 2011 the victims and their families have presented written documents, CDs, tapes, and numerous complaints, including about repeated criminal acts against school children as well as two repentance letters in his own handwriting and several SMSs with his name and signature to the regime’s judiciary.

In reaction to the growing disgust of people regarding this disgraceful dossier, the regime’s authorities have desperately appeared one by one to whitewash this infamous dossier, and to force the private person plaintiffs and the victims of this corrupt and criminal regime to keep silent and back down from their claim by threatening to arrest and prosecute them.

On Friday, October 28, Mohammad Jaafari, the regime’s attorney general, said in a TV interview in this regard, “By broadcasting the news of a moral dossier, their goal is “to destroy the state’s prestige and dignity, and to call our values into question. They are after calling into question whatever is a value to the people, either Koran, laws, leadership or the leader. And their means is to find some issue somewhere and then highlight it.” (Channel 2 state TV). Earlier he had quoted mullah Larijani as saying that the regime’s head of judiciary has found this dossier without incriminating evidence and has ruled to terminate this dossier (stare-run daily Entekhab, October 23)

Mullah Larijani, head of the regime’s judiciary, described raising this dossier as “raising false issues and false attributions to the leader and the head of judiciary and the country’s justice system” and called it as the attempt by “rancorous media” and “heavy attacks against the state and justice system.” He threatened the plaintiffs and said, “Those who help these media from inside the country should be prosecuted on the charge of abetting.”(Tabnak, state run media- October 24)

Mullah Ejei, deputy and spokesman for the regime’s judiciary, informed of the full termination of “committing acts incompatible with chastity, and unlawful acts with the juveniles,” and said, “the plaintiff’s claim has never been proved.” In order to cover up this disgrace he said, the dossier of “encouraging corruption has not finalized yet… but an expert and experienced judge with 30 years of work experience as advisor…. has read the dossier and has said that there is no proven issue in this dossier.” Ejei then started to threaten the press and said, “the media…. We should not publish issues that no verdict has issued against them and the crime is not certain yet, because they it is a crime and prosecutable.” He reiterated, “The court for Saeed Toussi must be held classified and the anti-revolution is after taking advantage of these type of dossiers.” (IRNA state news agency- October 24)

Mohammad Reza Heshmati, deputy of Ministry of Culture and Guidance, called raising such issue as “example of spread of prostitution” in order to intimidate the plaintiffs and those who object. (TABNAK state media- October 27)

These criminals are the same torturers in the regime’s hideous prisons such as Kahrizak where sexual abuse is a common torture, whereas the mullahs’ regime, in order to create fear and intimidation, has executed, flogged in public, or sentenced to long-term prisons many men, women and youths on the much smaller and incomparable charges. On 5 August 2016, the Amnesty International wrote about the execution of Hassan Afshar, 19, on July 18 in Arak prison on moral charges, “Hassan Afshar was a 17-year-old high school student when he was arrested. He had no access to a lawyer and the judiciary rushed through the investigation and prosecution, convicting and sentencing him to death within two months of his arrest.”

Over the past three decades, the mullahs’ regime has been the main source for spreading moral corruption in Iran; as the biggest thefts and grafts from the people assets in Iran’s history have occurred by this regime. Khamenei and other regime’s leaders are the worst killers, corrupts and thieves, and the cycle of repression, corruption and thievery could come to an end only by the overthrow of this regime and putting its leaders before justice.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 30, 2016


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