Mullahs’ official makes shocking admission on the number of prisoners in Iran

NCRI – The head of the southern Fars Province’s prisons, Nasser Jafar-Qoli, made a shocking admission on the number of prisoners in Iran. “The rate of growth in prison population is nine percent. This figure is higher than the total rate of population growth in Iran. It is an alarming sign for the leaders of the country,” he told the state-run news agency Fars on January 16.

The rate of growth in prison population in Iran is unprecedented and not matched anywhere else in the world. The actual rise in the number of prisoners is much higher than the official figure. It does not include the countless arrests in the streets, temporary detentions and prisoners who are in limbo. The figure corresponds to the victims who have been prosecuted and convicted.

Jafar-Qoli also spoke of new methods of detaining the restive population and angry youths. These, he said, included, "house arrest, electronic bracelets, regional prisons, fenceless prisons, exile, part time detention, weekend detention, and end of the month detention.”

The moribund regime has found the ever-increasing crackdown, torture and execution as the only way to confront spreading protests and uprisings.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the Secretary General of the United Nations, the UN’s Human Rights Commissioner, the  Human Rights Council and other relevant international bodies to form a fact finding mission to investigate the state of the prisons in Iran.       

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 17, 2007

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