Mullahs Labor Minister admits to rising number of unemployment in Iran

NCRI – Mohammad Jahromi, the mullahs' regime Labor Minister in a rear admission said, "More 250,000 workers lost their jobs in the first six months of Iranian Persian calendar year starting March 22," reported the state-run news agency ILNA on Monday.

"We should expect the figure to rise," Jahromi added.

This comes at time when according to the regime's own figures an additional one million people entered the labor market in the same period.

However, the actual figure of the unemployment under the ruling religious fascism is much higher than the occasionally published government figures.

 The mullahs and their families' unbridle plunder of Iranian people's vast revenues stemming from the country's natural resources plus the widespread corruption at all levels of the government have crippled the nation's economy.

 Spending billions of dollars in atomic and military projects coupled with anti-labor polices have destroyed the financial infrastructure of the country.

Poverty and sky-rocketing inflation have ruinate the national industries and domestic production. Such a miserable condition is amid unprecedented rise in Iranian oil revenues.

In short, the economic crisis, poverty, inflation and unemployment are deeply rooted within the reign of the clerical regime.

In protest to layoffs and back-pays hundreds of factories and workshops went on strike last year.

Among them are: Havt-Tapeh Sugar Cane Factory in the southern city of Shoosh, Kiyan Tire factory in Saveh, Tabas Mining Factory, Sarcheshmeh Cupper Factory in the southern city of Kerman, Jahad Agriculture in the southern city of Bushehr, Gavmishan Dam Factory and Sugar-Beet Factory in the western city of Kamyaran, Siyah-Roukh Factory in the western city of Divandareh, Energy Company in the southern city of Asaloyeh, Aras China Factory in the northwestern province of Azerbaijan, Pashmineh Baf Factory in the western city of Qazvin, Mehrpouya Textile Factory in the central city of Isfahan, Navard Company in the western city of Karaj, Iran's Telecommunications and Sandouq Nasouz in Tehran, Hamid China Factory, and municipal workers in Sa'adabad, Avangan factory in the central city of Arak and Iran Khodro in Tehran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 20, 2008

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