Mullahs increased suppression in the run up to Iranian New Year Celebration

NCRI – In run up to Iranian New Year Celebrations, the suppressive State Security Forces (SSF), using various excuses, has increased suppression of people’s uprisings. Yesterday, the state-run printed media reported that women have been arrested under the pretext of “mal-veiling.”

On Thursday, Patrol Police Department Chief, Brig. Gen. Hamid-Reza Hashimi said, “Not observing the ethics codes set in the Islamic [Republic] which include mal-veiling in and out of motor vehicles and showing parts of body with tattoos on them are prohibited. All are signs of misdemeanor crimes and Patrol Police have orders to intervene,” the state-run daily Etemad-Meli reported.

Such threats against people come after thousands were arrested in the eve of the Festival of Fire celebrations in various cities in the country.

In the past few days, dozens of teachers who have held a large demonstration before the regime’s Majlis last week, were also arrested.

The regime frightened of escalating social unrest in days ahead of Iranian New Year Celebrations has increased its suppressive measures against the Iranian people.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 16, 2007

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