Mullahs’ delay tactics to avoid UN action over nuclear weapons program

NCRI – The Iranian regime’s president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad refused to comply with the deadline set for a response to the P5+1 package of incentives. Yesterday, in Hamedan, Western Iran, he said,” In August we will announce our response to Europeans’ suggestion,” according to state-run news agency, ISNA.

Ahmadinejad also vaguely rejected uranium suspension as a precondition of the P5+1 package. He said, “We are ready for talks which are fair and without preconditions.”

Remarks made by the clerical regime’s president on Wednesday once again show that concessions and incentives would only add to the mullahs’ appetite for not abiding demands by the international community and encourage them to vigorously pursue their nuclear weapons program.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the international community and United Nations Security Council to adopt a firm policy and impose comprehensive sanctions on the mullahs’ medieval regime.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 22, 2006

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