Mrs. Rajavi warned against vulnerability of Iranian regime’s nuclear installations and its catastrophic threats



NCRI – Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian resistance, warned against the vulnerability of Iranian regime’s nuclear installations vis-à-vis natural disasters, such as earthquake, and its catastrophic threats.

She said they are much more vulnerable than Japan’s nuclear installations by far and are potential to create an unprecedented humanitarian disaster in Iran and in the region.
According to precise technical assessments, the geological and ecological factors and reservations and necessary safety standards have not been taken into consideration at all in the mullahs’ nuclear projects that have been launched secretly and are aimed at acquiring nuclear bomb, and a retarded technology is used in them.

Mrs. Rajavi added: As the Iranian Resistance has reiterated time and again, nuclear projects of the religious fascism ruling Iran are absolutely against Iran’s national interests and contribute to the expansion of terrorism and fundamentalism in the region and should be stopped.Emphasizing that the Iranian Resistance seeks a non-nuclear Iran, she said: Regretful events in Japan show that the Iranian regime in not only a threat to the peace, security and democracy in the region and the world, but is a big threat to the environment too. This fact doubles the need to take a firm policy before this regime.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 18, 2011

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