Mohammad Mehdi Zalieh a Kurdish political prisoner passed away after suffering two decades captivity

Call on International investigation  and referring the  case of  human rights violations in Iran
to the UN Security Council
Mohammad Mehdi Zalieh a Kurdish political prisoner and a sportsman,  almost 46,  passed away after suffering two decades imprisonment and torture, in Gohardasht prison on June 4.

He was sentenced to life in prison. He spent his captivity in Mahabad, Oromieh and Gohardasht prisons. He suffered from lung disease, and his disease deteriorated due to horrific condition of Section 4 of Gohardasht prison.But in order to impose more pressure, the executioners refused to provide medical care for Mehdi Zalieh, and only when there was no hope, they moved his sick body to a hospital outside the prison for justifying his dead.

He was the second political prisoner of section 4 of Gohardasht Prison, who passed away during two recent weeks.

On May21, Mansour Radpour, 44,  a political prisoner and an activist of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), after five years of imprisonment and resisting under the most horrific tortures, passed away  in Gohardasht prison while his entire body was bruised.
his wife and daughter have arrested after protesting  to suspicious dead of Mr. Radpour.

to make the politic prisoners  suffer to death or killing them by poisoned medicine is a known method used by the mullahs for eliminating the political prisoners.

Iranian resistance calls on all international bodies and human rights organizations particularly the High Commissioner for Human Rights and Special Rapporteur on human rights for Iran and  rapporteurs on arbitrary arrests and  torture to dispatch a fact-finding delegation to investigate the situation of political prisoners in Iran and particularly those murdered under torture or privation of medical care. 

This vicious circle of crime and suppression would not be stopped but by referring the case of critical violations of human rights in Iran to UN Security Council and expulsion of this criminal regime from the UN family.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 7, 2012

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