Members and supporters of opposition will be sentenced to death, says Iranian regime’s prosecutor



Members and supporters of anti-regime groups will be sentenced to death, says Iranian regime’s prosecutor

NCRI – Mohseni-Ejei, the Prosecutor General of the Iranian regime, in a bid to justify cruel death sentences handed down by mullahs’ judiciary to a number of those arrested in anti-regime nationwide uprising said that punishment for “those who are linked to counter-revolutionary groups whose leadership remain intact is death, as it is stated in the law, it also includes their supporters, even though they many not have been part of their military wing.” He added, “Proportionate to their crimes… the judiciary… has taken into consideration the maximum punishment.”

Open admission by mullahs’ prosecutor general to handing down of collective death sentences to all members and supporters of opposition groups, particularly the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), reveals the very anti-human nature of the clerical regime ruling Iran that respects no regulation or law but barbarism when it comes to annihilate its opponents. The task of the regime’s Kangaroo courts is nothing but to hand down these predetermined sentences.

Ejei’s made the remarks in Iranian regime’s state-run television to justify the death sentences that were handed down to a number of protestors and to further terrorize the courageous people of Iran, particularly the young and students, who have risen up against the regime. Although many have been arrested, tortured, raped and executed, they have not been intimidated by the regime and continue to press for their call for establishment of democracy and popular rule in Iran.

Five month after nationwide uprisings, outrageous show trials and extracting forced confessions from detainees, the Iranian regime finally handed down the sentences for 89 people on Wednesday, condemning five of them to death, of which two have been charged with supporting the PMOI.  The sentences are faced with anger and disgust by Iranian people.

The Iranian Resistance calls upon the Secretary General of the United Nations, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and all relevant international organizations to condemn the brutal human rights violations by the clerical regime in Iran. It also calls for adoption of binding measures against the regime including suspension of economic and political ties until torture, suppression and execution is fully halted in Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 20, 2009

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