Mass Executions Coincide with UN Resolution Condemning Gross Human Rights Violations in Iran


Six Prisoners, Including One Woman, Executed on Wednesday, 90 Executions in the Past 24 Days

On Wednesday, November 15, 2023, as the United Nations General Assembly’s Third Committee was considering a resolution condemning the systematic and widespread violation of human rights in Iran, the henchmen of the Iranian regime executed six prisoners, including a Baluch woman named Zarkhatoon Mazarzehi. She was hanged along with two other prisoners, one of whom was also Baluch, in the Kerman prison. Another prisoner, Bagher Mohammadi Garavand, was hanged along with two other prisoners in the Qezel Hesar prison by the judiciary’s executioners.

On Tuesday, November 14, a prisoner named Arman Babazadeh Ayan was hanged in the Salmas prison. On Monday, November 13, in addition to the three prisoners whose executions were announced in the November 13 statement, another prisoner named Seyed Reza Hosseini was hanged in the central prison of Hamadan. The henchmen of the Iranian regime also executed a prisoner in the Salmas prison in October. As a result, the number of executions recorded in the past 24 days has reached 90.

A regime that, despite being condemned 70 times by the United Nations for its systematic and widespread violation of human rights, continues to carry out brutal executions in an increasing manner, must be ostracized by the international community. Appeasement with this regime, which has set unprecedented records in executions, terrorism, and warmongering, is a clear violation of all international and recognized human rights standards.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

November 15, 2023

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