Maryam Rajavi: The Brutal Torture and Murder of a Young Man in Iran Shows the Viciousness of a Regime That Can Only Rule Thru Execution, Torture, and Repression

Mehrdad Sepehri
Mehrdad Sepehri

The international community must condemn this crime.

State Security Force (SSF) should be blacklisted.
Dealing with and appeasing with this regime is an affront to human rights and democratic principles.

The SSF in the Hojjat town of Mashhad tortured and killed a 28-year-old man named Mehrdad Sepehri in public, using a taser and pepper spray.

The crime occurred on October 18 but made public yesterday with the release of the footage of the scenes of torturing Mehrdad on social media. The young man, unconscious due to torture and pepper spray, died in the police car, and signs of beatings and torture were visible on his body.

Following the release of these videos, and after a week-long day, the criminal chief of the SSF in Khorasan Razavi, tried to justify the murder this morning. The state-run news agency, IRNA, quoted him as claiming today, “Following the report on the death of a young man in the media outlets of our opponents, and the release of his picture at the time of his arrest, which alleged that he had been poisoned by pepper spray, special instructions were given to the provincial police inspector to follow up the case and clarify the reasons behind the incident. This was done as soon as the report was received and before the images related to this incident were posted on social media.”

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), said that the scenes of torture and brutal murder of this young man in public have left a scar on the conscience and feelings of the Iranian people. This has been the routine and daily behavior of the Revolutionary Guards, paramilitary Basijis, security and intelligence forces against the people of Iran and the children of this country for the past 40 years, some of which are only now being revealed. The recent unhinged acts of cruelty, from Mahshahr and Abadan to Mashhad and Tehran, show that the clerical regime has been able to continue its rule only through repression, torture, and execution. These crimes have been ongoing in our occupied homeland. But enough is enough. The people and youth of this homeland can no longer tolerate it. The international community must condemn the torture and murder of defenseless young man Mehrdad Sepehri. The SSF must be sanctioned and blacklisted. Dealing with and appeasing a regime that is a disgrace to contemporary humanity is an affront to human rights and universal democratic principles.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
October 25, 2020

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