Mansour Radpour, an activist of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran was slain in notorious Gohardasht prison

Mansour Radpour, a political prisoner and an activist of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), was slain in Gohardasht prison on Monday, May 21 after five years of imprisonment and resisting under the most horrific tortures in prisons of the medieval regime.  He was 44- years old and father of two.

Mansour Radpour was a long time supporter of the PMOI. He was a building painter. He traveled to Ashraf in February 2007 and was captured few months later on May 17 as he was filming the protest of workers in Chalous-Karaj highway. He was transferred to secret captivity center of the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) and was immediately put under torture. 
He was put on trial in a kangaroo court for alleged propaganda against the regime and support for the PMOI. He  was sentenced to 3 years of imprisonment. The MOIS agents once again increased his sentence to 8 years of imprisonment.
Mansour Radpour spent five years under the worst conditions in most horrific prisons like secret homes of the MIOS, the IRGC cells, Section 1 of Gohadasht prison called prison for the end liners, in solitary confinement and Section 4 of Gohardasht prison where political prisoners are murdered and left to suffer to death.  Throughout the years, he was assaulted and humiliated, beaten and deprived of the most basic daily needs every time that  the Iranian regime’s agents  attacked  the sections of the resistant  prisoners.
Mansour Radpour was always at the forefront to defend other prisoners and went on hunger strike on several occasions to protest against the terrible situation of prison. For this reason, the executioners deeply hated him and tried to break his resistance and force him to make false confessions. He was often put under brutal torture but Mansour remained stable and did not bow down to the executioners. 
Due to sever torture and hash conditions, Mansour Radpour suffered from various diseases including kidney disease,  stomach ulcer, respiratory discomfort and break of shoulder and ribs . The executioners refused to provide him medical care and instead blatantly said to him and other prisoners that they had taken them to prison in order to make them suffer to death.  Over the past few weeks, his physical conditions extremely deteriorated and he suffered from vomiting and severe pains but they did not allow him to be transferred to hospital and did not even take him to the prison clinic. Eventually, he passed away on May 21 while his entire body was bruised.

Iranian resistance expresses its condolences to his family, the PMOI and the people of Iran, and calls on all international bodies and human rights organizations particularly the High Commissioner for Human Rights and Special Rapporteur on human rights for Iran to dispatch a fact-finding delegation to investigate the situation of political prisoners in Iran and particularly the reason for the death of Mansour Radpour.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 22, 2012


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