Khamenei acknowledges lethal domestic schisms, fears popular uprising, calls for further repression


On Sunday, May 8, the Iranian regime’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei in a meeting with the oppressive security forces acknowledged the unprecedented internal schism within his regime, displayed his fright of social discontent and popular uprisings, and called for further repressive measures. He described “security” as a “high priority” issue and demanded thorough and serious supervision by officials of the security forces on the “sound mind, act and morals of the staff” and stressed on “providing social and moral security” (state TV – May 8, 2016).

Referring to the unprecedented power struggle at the top of the velayat-e faqih regime, Khamenei noted that the “creation of two currents, two sects, and two poles is among the lethal blows that the enemy is pursuing.” He talked about an expansion of the “presence of the security forces throughout the country and the establishment of security in all residential regions and environments that people live, including the suburbs of the cities, farfetched areas, and small towns.”

In reaction to the wave of domestic and international abhorrence for the deployment of 7000 spies and repressive forces dubbed “intangible police” to suppress women and youths, he said: “In subjects relating to moral security, after precise, well-founded, logical and correct planning then we should not pay attention to the opposition of some people or the climate created by the media.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 9, 2016

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