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HomeStatementsStatements: Human RightsIranians increasingly defy mullahs' rule across the country

Iranians increasingly defy mullahs’ rule across the country

Iranian protesters beating members of Basij Force in a 2009 protest.

NCRI – The Iranian people, particularly the youth, are increasingly defying the mullah’s regime by public protests against its suppressive forces, including the State Security Forces (Police), members of Basij paramilitary force and thugs such as “Ansar Hezbollah” patrolling the streets riding motorcycles. On many occasions the confrontation has led to the youth punishing the regime’s forces in cities across the country.

The intensity of confrontations has reached such a level that some of regime’s senior officials publicly acknowledge the failure of the regime’s suppressive measures.

High ranking cleric Morteza Moghtadaei, member of the regime’s Assembly of Experts, said that the policy of “flogging and imprisoning” to confront “mal-veiling” has failed. (Fars News Agency, affiliated with IRGC – 13 July, 2014).

On Sunday, July 20, the people and the youth in city of Ahvaz (southeastern Iran) fought with the regime’s suppressive police patrol that intended to arrest a young woman.
On the same day, in the city of Bandar Abbas, the youth clashed with members of the State Security Forces (SSF) that had interfered with their festivities. Fearing the spread of confrontation, the suppressive forces fired shots into the air.
On Friday, July 18, as Basij forces were watching nearby, youth in the Cheizar District of Tehran tore down a large portrait of Ali Khamenei, the mullahs Supreme Leader, and fled the scene.
That evening, in Tehran’s Sa’adabad District, the youth confronted State Security Forces (Police) who were harassing young men and women. The youth beat up one of the agents. The suppressive forces attacked a boy and a girl using batons and electric shockers before arresting them.

On July 17, a number of the youth in the Seasangan Forest-Park clashed with police that had harassed them on the pretext of not observing the fasting in Ramadan. During the clashes, the suppressive forces beat up several of the youth and took them away to an unknown location.

On Tuesday, July 15, residents of Sarkhoon, a village near Bandar Abbas, clashed with SSF agents. In the attack by SSF forces two villagers were injured. The villagers were protesting harassment by the regime’s forces on the pretext of arresting a fuel smuggler.

Three days prior to that, the SSF forces had attacked residents of Kouveh, a village in Qeshm Island, killing three and wounding six others.

On July 13, a number of sportswomen who were returning from their sports club near Hassanabad Square in Tehran clashed with female agents of the Islamic Guidance Patrol who were harassing them. Several women were then arrested.

On July 12, a group of youth in Jamshidia Park of Tehran clashed with the Basij forces, who were harassing the youth on the pretext of not observing fasting during Ramadan.
On July 11, a number of youth in the Fardiss District of Karaj clashed with the SSF who were patrolling the streets on motorcycles. The clash followed an attempt by the SSF to harass women on the pretext of mal-veiling.
Around 2 a.m. on July 9, SSF forces arrested several women in Niavaran Park in Tehran. After the women resisted and people joined their protest, the SSF agents were forced to retreat.
On July 8, a number of youth in city of Tonekabon, clashed with the Basij forces who were harassing them in the main square of the town. As the clashes spread out, backup forces were dispatched to the scene. A number of youth were arrested and then taken to an undisclosed location.

On July 7, a number of youth in Mellat Park of Tehran clashed with plainclothes agents. The agents were harassing the youth on the pretext of “promotion of virtue and prevention of vice.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 21, 2014