Iranian Resistance urgent plea to halt execution of five political prisoners in Ahvaz

NCRI – The Iranian Resistance calls on the United Nation’s Security Council, the UN Secretary-General, The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and other relevant UN bodies as well as all human rights advocates to take immediate measures to prevent the execution of five political prisoners, including two brothers, in Ahvaz prison.

The Iranian regime intends to execute these five political prisoners, who are from the Arab minority, next week in order to intimidate the oppressed people and youths of Khuzistan province on the eve of the presidential election masquerade.

Hadi Rashedi, 40-years-old and a chemistry teacher; Hashem Shaabani-Nejad, 32-years-old, a teacher and poet; engineer Mohammad Ali Amouri-Neja, 37-years-old and a teacher; and two brothers by the names of Jaber and Mokhtar Albu-Shokeh, 29 and 27, have all been sentenced to death on the fabricated charge of Moharebeh (warring against God) and propaganda against the mullahs’ regime, and endangering national security.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 3, 2013

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